Campus Sustainability Week 2019 Schedule

Get involved in UNC Charlotte’s annual Campus Sustainability Week, being held Monday through Friday, Oct. 14-18. This observance engages the University community in sustainable practices on campus.
Get Outside, It’s Movie Night!: “An American Ascent”
Oct.14, 7:15 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Belk Plaza
Join the Sustainability Office, in partnership with Venture Outdoor Leadership, for an outdoor screening of the documentary film, “An American Ascent.” The event will include free pizza. The rain-delay alternate date is Oct. 17 at the same time.
Transportation Fair
Oct. 15, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
CHHS Plaza
This annual event, organized by Parking and Transportation Services, showcases more than 20 organizations that provide information about campus transportation options and their affordability and safety. Attendees can also learn about new services coming to the University and Charlotte area.
Yoga in the Gardens
Oct.16, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Botanical Gardens – Susie Harwood Garden near the moon gate
University Recreation will lead an outdoor, standing yoga session. Mats will not be needed. Chartwells will provide beverages and food for participants.
Student Gathering
Oct.16, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Student Union back patio
This third-annual event, sponsored by the Charlotte Green Initiative, invites students to gather with student organizations to discuss projects that could make the campus more sustainable. Free pizza and planned activities, such as pumpkin carving, will be available for attendees.
Campus Cleanup
Oct. 17, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
McMillan Greenhouse, Motorsports Lab, or Holshouser Lawn
Join the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling in their bi-annual campus cleanup. Volunteers can attend any of the three locations during the event hours to pick up litter around campus. Bags, gloves and litter pick-up sticks will be given to volunteers. Snacks will also be provided. University employees may use up to 90 minutes of release time* for this event.
Additional events and information can be found on the Sustainability website.