General News

Continuing to go Electric
Mullen Automotive, a Southern California-based automotive company, recently delivered seven Class 1 electric vehicle (EV) cargo vans to UNC Charlotte. These new EVs will be used for various purposes, including campus delivery and facility services. “Charlotte is committed to helping create a more sustainable environment, including developing and implementing a comprehensive plan designed to reduce […]

Celebrate Earth Month with UNC Charlotte
April is Earth Month and UNC Charlotte’s Office of Sustainability has published a list of campus and community events to celebrate. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to participate in Charlotte traditions such as the annual tree planting, campus cleanup, the Botanical Gardens spring plant sale and student garden day. New events this year include […]

University Recreation Center Awarded Certificate of Merit for Design
The design and construction firms responsible for the University Recreation Center were awarded a Certificate of Merit by the State Building Commission in the category of Excellence in Design. The award was presented during the annual state construction conference, held March 2. UREC was a collaborative design and construction project with Jenkins Peer Architects and […]

Campus Master Plan Discovery Survey Launched
As part of UNC Charlotte’s Campus Master Plan initiative, the University launched a discovery survey, Thursday, Feb. 9. Faculty, staff and students can participate in the survey through 5 p.m., Friday, March 10. The survey is an interactive online tool that will ask several questions about the campus where responses can help reveal key issues […]

Cameron Boulevard partial lane closure
Southbound Cameron Blvd. will be shut down between University Rd. and Johnson Alumni Way on Thursday, Jan. 26, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The road will be excavated to repair a water main that is leaking underneath the road. Northbound traffic entering Cameron Blvd. from Hwy 49 will not be impacted. Detour signs will […]

Princeton Review Selects UNC Charlotte for 2023 ‘Guide to Green Colleges’
UNC Charlotte again is on Princeton Review’s ‘Guide to Green Colleges,’ an annual publication that recognizes academic institutions’ sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. The University is one of 455 colleges included in the 2023 edition. This unranked list is based on reporting from university administrators on an institution’s sustainability-related academic offerings, campus initiatives, policies, practices […]

Student Feedback Needed on Classroom Space
UNC Charlotte students are invited to drop by the Prospector Food Court on Tuesday, November 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to provide input on their experiences in classrooms and study spaces at Charlotte. This pop-up event will allow students to share their experiences in formal learning spaces through a few quick activities. What […]

Smith Awarded SRAPPA President’s Award
At the 2022 Southeastern Region APPA (SRAPPA) conference, David E. Smith, CEFP, was awarded the SRAPPA President’s Award in recognition of his years of service to the SRAPPA board as president. Smith has been involved with APPA and SRAPPA for more than seven years and served as the SRAPPA president in 2017, when UNC Charlotte […]

The Southeast Governmental Fleet Managers Award for Quality Fleet Management
Fleet Management was awarded the 2022 Quality Fleet Management Award for State Agencies by the Southeast Governmental Fleet Managers Association (SGFMA) on Oct. 19. This annual award “recognizes governmental agencies whose innovative fleet management practices have improved productivity, quality and service, or produced substantial savings for their agency or department.” “There has certainly been a […]

Comprehensive Classroom Study Underway
UNC Charlotte is engaging in a comprehensive classroom study to understand the current inventory of classroom and lab spaces on campus and identify future space needs. The SmithGroup, a national consulting firm, is guiding the University through the study process, which includes input from a wide array of stakeholders. The University launched a classroom study […]