Submittals are due by 2:00 p.m., March 20, 2025.
Project Description:
The proposed project is for the design and construction of elevator modernization in Fretwell buiding
located on the UNC Charlotte campus. The Fretwell building, constructed in 1996, is an academic
building with 160,345 gross square feet. The building has three elevators. This project will upgrade the
existing elevators and include replacement of obsolete and end of life components of the
elevator including the cab, cab finishes, pumps, motors, and other components that impact the
life safety and comfort of occupants. This project will modernize the elevators to current
codes and standards. The work will be phased to maintain two elevators in operation.
Submittals shall be mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001
Submittals are due by 10:00 a.m., March 4, 2025.
Project Description:
The Burson Hall was built in 1983 on the UNC Charlotte campus with an elevated plaza and
pedestrian bridge at the Southeast corner, constructed with structural steel framing supporting a
sandwich slab. An assessment of the condition of the pedestrian bridge and plaza revealed
extensive deterioration of the bridge framing and water intrusion at the plaza waterproofing
system. This project will replace a majority of the pedestrian bridge framing in addition to
repairs of the waterproofing and slabs at the plaza area.
Submittals shall be mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001
Submittals are due by 10:00 a.m., March 4, 2025.
Project Description:
This project will replace caulking at windows and control joints, repoint brick, and seal the masonry at several buildings on campus.
Submittals shall be mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001
**UPDATE** Submittals are due by 5 p.m. on February 28, 2025.
Project Description:
DPR has been selected as the CM at Risk for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Burson
Renovation and Expansion. The project includes project-based engineering labs, active learning
classrooms, collaboration space and specialized data visualization and simulation labs to support growing
engineering and computing programs. Computational research space, academic and administrative office
space will be included in the building. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire-protection systems will be
upgraded. The College of Engineering and the College of Computing and Informatics will be the primary
departments located in the building.
Bid Packages to Prequalify:
02A Deconstruction
03A Cast-In-Place Concrete
O3J Polished Concrete
04A Masonry
05A Structural Steel Framing
06A Architectural Woodwork
06D Waterproofing
07B Roofing
07C Fireproofing
07D Metal Panels
08A Doors, frames & hardware
08C Glass & Glazing
09A Drywall
09B Hard Tile
09C Acoustical Ceilings
09D Flooring
09H Painting & WC
10A Specialties
10I Signage
11A Dock Equipment
11C Lab Casework & Equipment
12A Window Treatments
14A Elevators
22A Plumbing
23A Pneumatic Tube Systems
21A Fire Suppression
23B Test & Balance
26A Electrical
27A Data & Communications
28A Fire Alarm
31C Earthwork
32K Landscaping & Hardscapes
01E Final Cleaning
Completed Pre-Qualification packages should be submitted by mail to DPR:
DPR Construction
200 Southside Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217
Or by email to: Katarina Hastings
UPDATED CMR 1st tier pre-qualifications- Part A
UPDATED CMR 1st tier pre-qualifications- Part B
Pre-qualifications Matrix- Part B- Exhibit 2