General News
FM Seeks To Invest In More Sustainable Fleet
Facilities Management employees work all across campus and are dependent upon fleet vehicles to commute to jobs and transport tools and materials. Because of this need, FM currently has 280 fleet vehicles within its operational units. The vehicles serve a great purpose, but they become costly to maintain after a few years. To cut back […]

Road closures underway, expect delays
Craver and Phillips Roads are temporarily shut down for asphalt repairs. This initiative is being coordinated by the Facilities Management Department. Repairs are anticipated to be completed tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18. Craver Road closed yesterday and will remain closed today to allow the asphalt to cool. Phillips Road remains closed through this afternoon. Mary Alexander […]

Campus doors locked during winter break
Campus-wide doors will be locked during the winter holiday break beginning at 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 23. Card access will continue as normal. If you need access during the break contact the Police and Public Safety dispatch at 704-687-2200 or 7-2200 from on-campus phones. Doors will be locked through 11:59 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3, 2022.

What’s new in ARCHIBUS
On Friday, July 9 the ARCHIBUS system will be upgraded to version 25.1 (v.25.1). This upgrade will include a cleaner, fresher look with new icons, fonts, and bolder colors. The new system will also include user role-specific customized dashboards that will allow you to keep better track of the work requests in your respective buildings. […]

Facilities Management Develops Niner University Elementary Student Garden
On April 21, as part of National Volunteer Week, Facilities Management (FM) partnered with Niner University Elementary (NUE) to develop a student garden area on NUE’s campus. FM employees worked to frame and build raised garden beds and plant perennial plants for students and teachers to use as part of their outdoor classroom education. Vegetables […]

Earth Week Volunteer Opportunities
Join the Office of Sustainability, along with other campus entities, to celebrate Earth Week. Traditionally, the University has celebrated the entire month of April as Earth Month, but, like many things, this year called for a change. With current restrictions for in-person events and in an effort to reduce the concentration end-of-semester stress and other […]

Deadline extended for University Key Audit
The University Key Audit to survey and verify current keyholders of University-issued hard keys is still underway. Anyone who has not participated has until Thursday, March 18 to comply. Follow these instructions to complete the form: Before you begin, make sure you have your University ID in case you have not committed your 800 Number […]

FM 311 launches to enhance customer experience
Effective Thursday, March 11, the Facilities Management (FM) Department launches its new customer service platform, FM 311. This initiative, a continuation of FM’s commitment to ensure customers, campus partners and the campus community has a one-stop-shop for assistance, serves as the first point of contact and conduit for FM information and services. FM 311 has […]

FM’s Role in Wastewater Testing
Autosamplers are installed and tested Since September, UNC Charlotte has used wastewater sampling to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 prior to larger outbreaks, or clusters, in residence halls. Research has shown that the coronavirus can be detected in wastewater prior to an individual feeling symptomatic. Campus researchers and students are testing and analyzing the wastewater […]

University Key Audit underway
The Facilities Management Key and Lock Shop is conducting a University Key Audit to survey and verify current keyholders of University-issued hard keys. The key audit is being accomplished using two distinct methods. The first method is the form below to capture individual information from all faculty, staff and student employees. The second method is […]