General News

New View, CID Projects Near Completion
As three Campus Infrastructure Development (CID) roadway projects near completion, “Out with the old, in with the new” will be a noticeable view when the Niner community returns to campus in January. During the holiday break work on the intersection of Mary Alexander Road and Cameron Boulevard, and the remainder of Mary Alexander Road and […]
Annual Strategic Energy Plan Released
UNC Charlotte’s annual Strategic Energy Plan* is now available for review. Along with its campus energy overview, the report explores University energy conservation and water conservation challenges, accomplishments and goals. Questions and comments can be sent to Anthony (Tony) Schallert, facilities management’s capital projects energy manager, at or 704-687-5384. *Click here for report addendum
Winter Break Energy/Heating Reduction Notice
To save energy in accordance with the Campus Energy Policy, some buildings will not be heated above 60⁰ from the evening of December 23rd to the evening of January 1st (winter break). There is a list below of areas/buildings that are exempt and will be maintained at their normal occupied temperatures. Additionally, the period when […]

University recognized with Air Compliance Excellence Award
UNC Charlotte has earned Mecklenburg County Air Quality’s (MCAQ) inaugural Air Compliance Excellence Award for local industry air quality permit compliance, pollution reduction and air quality improvement. “UNC Charlotte is among one of the largest facilities governed by MCAQ. The award means we do a good job of maintaining, reporting and monitoring our burned fossil […]
Roof Replacement Work Scheduled for Several Buildings
Beginning in late May, work will begin to replace the roofs on the following campus buildings (in alphabetical order): Barnard, the Counseling Center wing of Atkins Library, Fretwell, Garinger, King*, McMillan Greenhouse, the Steam Plant and Winningham. All buildings will remain open during this time, and work is expected to be completed by mid-August. Building […]
Road Closure on Cameron Blvd.
Due to construction of the new 408-bed residential building Martin Hall, a section of Cameron Blvd. will be temporarily closed to regular vehicle access for approximately nine to twelve weeks. The section is scheduled to close Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014, and re-open prior to commencement. The area is located at the intersection of Mary Alexander […]
FM’s Continuous Improvement Initiative, Pursuing Excellence, Has Launched
Facilities Management has begun a new, comprehensive self-evaluation and continuous improvement initiative, titled “Pursuing Excellence”. Please click here for details.
Campus Safety Walk is Nov. 19
The University’s annual Campus Safety Walk is Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 5:30 PM, beginning at the SGOC office located on the second level of the Student Union. Students, faculty and staff are welcome to participate, walking with representatives from Campus Police, Facilities Management and other departments. Groups will walk through different campus areas in an […]
Belk Hall earns rating of two Green Globes
The University’s Belk Hall achieved a rating of two Green Globes from the Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes for New Construction program. Please click here to read the entire article.