Smith Awarded SRAPPA President’s Award

At the 2022 Southeastern Region APPA (SRAPPA) conference, David E. Smith, CEFP, was awarded the SRAPPA President’s Award in recognition of his years of service to the SRAPPA board as president. Smith has been involved with APPA and SRAPPA for more than seven years and served as the SRAPPA president in 2017, when UNC Charlotte hosted the SRAPPA conference.
APPA is the premiere professional development association for educational facilities professionals.
“SRAPPA and APPA have a lot to offer our University employees and we need to take advantage of the opportunities to further our technical training, leadership and professional development with our staff,” said Smith.
To get more involved in SRAPPA please contact David Smith, APPA liaison, or Solomon T. Franklin, SRAPPA vice president of communications.
Photo: David E. Smith with SRAPPA immediate past president, Dan Whately