UNC Charlotte Listed on Princeton Review’s “Guide to Green Colleges”

UNC Charlotte has again been recognized on Princeton Review’s “Guide to Green Colleges,” an annual guide that recognizes academic institutions’ sustainability-related policies, practices and programs. The University is one of 416 colleges included in the 2021 edition.
Inclusion on this unranked list is based on reporting from university administrators on an institution’s sustainability-related academic offerings, campus initiatives, policies, practices and incentives to prepare students to enter into “green” professions.
“Inclusion in the Princeton Review’s “Guide to Green Colleges” is one of the clearest signals to potential students and their parents that our campus is a healthy, clean and modern operation that will prepare them for a sustainable future,” said Mike Lizotte, University sustainability officer.
The survey allows The Princeton Review editors to culminate a Green Rating score on a scale from 60 to 99; and schools with a score of 80 or higher are included. Questions from the survey include topics such as waste-diversion rates, LEED-certified construction measures, dedicated sustainability staff roles, vehicle fleets, recycling measures, research topics and landscape management practices.
Emphasis on the University’s research capacity and attention to regional issues brought UNC Charlotte’s score to total 85 on the scale. The University was also recognized for having dedicated sustainability staff and committees, tracking greenhouse gas emissions and for providing bikeshare and other eco-friendly transportation options.
Continuing their efforts, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the University’s Office of Sustainability has focused on contributing to online professional development and teaching tools. They upgraded the institutional subscription to the U.S. Green Building Council to the highest level to make membership available to all students, faculty and staff. If you would like more information, or want to request a presentation on campus sustainability programs and initiatives, contact Mike Lizotte at mlizotte@uncc.edu.