Take a ‘power trip’ with the newest Motor Fleet addition

With the recent acquisition of two new LEAF vehicles University customers now have a ‘power trip’ option to select from among the University’s Motor Fleet offerings.
The LEAF, an all-electric vehicle manufactured by Nissan, is currently available for daily rental. “Different from the per-mile rate we currently offer for other fleet vehicles, the LEAF can be rented for a $20 per day flat rate,” said motor fleet representative, Kathy Fisher.
For anyone interested in the ‘power trip’ experience, the LEAF, because of its battery life, will accommodate trips within a 35-mile radius to campus and up to 80 miles before needing a charge.
The LEAF rental is ideal for prime locations such as UNC Charlotte Center City, where drivers will have premium parking as well as access to a charging station.
The availability of an electrical option is another step toward operating a more sustainable fleet.
According to Chris Facente, automotive supervisor, these vehicles “aren’t just ‘green,’ but are reflections the University is embracing the ever-changing demands to offer more economically and environmentally sound transportation.”
In addition to the new LEAF vehicles, the Facilities Management automotive/motor fleet unit purchased a new ADA-compliant van with accessibility for two wheelchairs. Drivers are required to have van certification, which can be obtained through Environmental Health and Safety, as well as become lift certified through Parking and Transportation Services.
For more information about fleet offerings and services, contact Fisher at 704-687-0596.