Holshouser Hall wins CPN Star Award

The renovation project for Holshouser Residence Hall, which reopened in 2015, has received the 2016 Star Award for projects between $10 million and $25 million from the Construction Professionals Network (CPN) of North Carolina.
The Star Award, which was presented at CPN’s 17th annual conference in May, represents a symbol of excellence. The award program recognizes and promotes professionalism and excellence in “star quality” projects.
Originally built in 1973, Holshouser today offers traditional-style doubles featuring two private bathrooms for every three rooms, and suites with two double-occupancy bedrooms, a living room and bathroom. The approximately 100,138-square-foot reconfigured tower is located in South Village.
While there are many innovative qualities to the renovated Holshouser Residence Hall, enlargement of the ground and first floor student common spaces, a new monumental stair connector between the floors, and a new exterior student plaza with views of the patio and courtyard are some of the most significant. The new student common locations have large windows, which provide an abundance of natural light.
“This project transformed the residence hall into a vibrant place where students want to live,” said Phil Jones, associate vice chancellor for facilities management. “The exterior changes to the building have also transformed the entire South Village sector of campus.”
Jones, in collaboration with Housing and Residence Life, worked with Jeanine Bachtel, associate director of capital projects; and a team of CPN members including Clark Nexsen, Balfour Beatty Construction, SKA Engineers, and S&ME, Inc. to complete the project.
“It was with the outstanding efforts of the entire project team that helped deliver the successful completion of an exceptional renovation project,” Bachtel said.
The completion of Holshouser Hall is the first of four high-rise residence halls to be renovated in South Village as a part of a multi-year project expected to conclude in 2022.
CPN of North Carolina, Inc., is a statewide, non-profit organization of business and professional leaders who are involved with design, construction and related services. Its mission is to utilize expertise for the common good of the membership, industry and community.