Real Estate

The primary role of the Real Estate Office is to oversee university improvements to ensure compliance with the Campus Master Plan. It also provides guidance in regards to real estate, sustainability, landscape architecture, architectural style, open space, and transportation.

Real Estate coordinates with the Chancellor’s Office, Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs, Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management, and Real Estate Manager in the following:

  • To recommend acquisition of land that is strategic and will enhance the university mission
  • To coordinate with the North Carolina State Property Office and other relevant state agencies when appropriate
  • To evaluate and make recommendations in regard to appraisals, courses of action to be followed, and perform appraisal reviews
  • To draft summary statements and submit to the Real Estate Manager for consideration by the Governor and Council of State
  • To negotiate/administer contracts for appraisals, surveys, investigations, inspections, evaluations, reports, and special studies relating to real property

​Policies & References