Energy Management

Focus: To increase facility operational proficiency while minimizing energy consumption and environmental impact.

The NC Legislature passed a law to structure an energy savings program for state universities and established that the baseline year is 2002-03. In this legislature, a goal was established to reduce the campus’s Energy Use Intensity (EUI) by 30% by 2015. For more detailed information on our accomplishments and goals, download a copy of our current Strategic Energy Action Plan submitted to the State Energy Office.
Current goals and objectives include:
- Reduce Campus EUI (kbtu/Sq Ft) by 40% by 2025 from FY03 – Currently at 38%
- Metering – Increase the number of meters integrated into the BAS and ongoing review of energy metrics.
- Improve Economizer control across campus
- Improve AHU Discharge Air Temperature reset across campus
- Improve hot water/chilled water control strategies across campus
Facilities Management appreciates help from building occupants to identify energy-saving opportunities. Here are two issues that we can use help identifying this year:
- Lighting or air conditioning equipment left on after hours; and
- Vending Machines with the lights left on continually.

Have an energy savings idea?
To submit Energy Savings ideas or for more information email Jason Bernstein, campus energy manager, at