Elevator Upgrades – Fretwell

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Submittals are due by 2:00 p.m., March 20, 2025.

Project Description:
The proposed project is for the design and construction of elevator modernization in Fretwell buiding
located on the UNC Charlotte campus. The Fretwell building, constructed in 1996, is an academic
building with 160,345 gross square feet. The building has three elevators. This project will upgrade the
existing elevators and include replacement of obsolete and end of life components of the
elevator including the cab, cab finishes, pumps, motors, and other components that impact the
life safety and comfort of occupants. This project will modernize the elevators to current
codes and standards. The work will be phased to maintain two elevators in operation.


Submittals shall be mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001