Parking Lot 26 Renewal
Proposals are due by 2 p.m., March 26, 2025.
Project Description:
The project involves the full depth asphalt replacement and replacement of damaged curb and
gutter of Parking Lot 26 parking lot including restriping.
Some of the important design elements will be:
● Site design consistent with established style of campus, university master plan, and
university design manual.
● Simplicity of design with an emphasis on economical construction and maintainability;
● Safety of visitors, students, and staff during construction;
● Protection of existing facilities throughout construction.
Proposals shall be mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001