Reese Exterior Envelope Repairs Phase 2

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Submittals are due by 11:00 a.m., February 4, 2025.

An open pre-bid meeting will be held for all interested bidders on  January 21, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. at the Reese building, 9035 University Rd, Charlotte, NC 28223. (campus map –

Project Description:
This project consists of the replacement of the existing fenestration systems and façade repairs at Reese on the
campus of UNC Charlotte. The building is located at 9035 University Road, Charlotte, NC. The scope of the project
includes removal and replacement of the existing ribbon windows at the east elevation. The scope also includes
replacing the precast panels and through-wall flashing system above window heads along with miscellaneous brick
façade repairs. The project includes all other work as shown, indicated, or reasonably implied on the drawings and/or
specifications for a complete, first-class job.

Notice to Bidders

Proposals shall mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001