Grigg- HVAC & Controls

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Submittals are due by 2:00 p.m. January 28, 2025.

Project Description:
The project is to have the existing Pneumatic Actuators replaced for the Chilled and Hot Water
systems including Chilled and Hot Water valves as well as all Actuators on AHU’s 1 through 4
including associated smoke dampers. Xenta controls in Cleanrooms removed/demoed and
replaced with new full direct-digital control (DDC). The Cleanrooms controls upgrade would
include replacement of the pneumatic Phoenix valves and controls. Sequence of operations to
meet current building operational requirements. Update building graphics, trends and alarms
where applicable.


Proposals shall mailed or hand delivered to:
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Attn: La’Keya Hewlin
Facilities Management-Project Management
9151 Cameron Blvd. 2nd Floor
Charlotte NC 28223-0001