Requirements for Formal (Capital) Construction projects ($500,000 or more), to include Design Services, Special Inspections, Commissioning, etc., can be found on the Electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) website under Bids by Category (Construction or Design Services) or Bids by Department (University-UNC General Administration Design/Construction).

Contractors interested in being considered to bid for Informal construction work (under $500,000) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) must provide a qualifications package.

Working with UNC Charlotte: Prequalification for Informal Projects

To ensure a fair and transparent bidding process for our informal projects, we’ve implemented a prequalification process.

Who Needs to Prequalify?

Firms wishing to bid directly on UNC Charlotte’s informal projects are required to complete a prequalification package.

For clarity, “informal projects” are defined as construction projects under $500,000.

Important Note: If your firm has successfully completed a project with UNC Charlotte within the past two years, you are already considered prequalified and do not need to resubmit.

Why Prequalify?

Prequalification helps us ensure that our contractors have the necessary qualifications and experience to successfully complete our projects. It streamlines the bidding process and promotes efficiency.

Prequalification Requirements Summary:

To complete your prequalification, please prepare the following documents:

  • Company Overview:
    • Letter of Interest (including firm details, work types, and contact information)
    • Organizational Chart
    • Employee Information (number and titles)
  • Licensing and Legal:
    • North Carolina Contractor’s License
    • Articles of Organization (NC Secretary of State)
  • Insurance and Safety:
    • Certificate of Insurance
    • OSHA 300-A Summary (past 3 years)
    • OSHA Incidence and LWD Rates
    • Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
    • Company Safety Program Documentation
  • Business Certifications and Experience:
    • HUB Certification (if applicable)
    • List of Representative Projects and References
    • Capability Statement (if available)

How to Prequalify:

  1. Submit All Required Items: Please provide all requested information. If a particular item does not apply to your firm, please submit a document stating “Not Applicable” for that specific section. Leaving items blank will result in an incomplete submission.
  2. Clearly Label All Uploaded Documents: To ensure accurate processing, please label each document you upload with a clear and descriptive title and with the name of your company. For example, “HUB Documentation_CompanyName”.
  3. Submit Your Package: Once each item has been uploaded into the form click Submit.
  4. Fill out Prequalification Form:

Didn’t Prequalify?:

  • If your firm does not prequalify, you can still participate in UNC Charlotte projects through subcontracting. Please note that prime contractors are responsible for ensuring all subcontractors meet the necessary qualifications.

Questions? Email the HUB Program at