UNC Charlotte’s Facilities Management (FM) Department recently became the first in the UNC System to offer an apprenticeship program for trade careers. Through ApprenticeshipNC, Tierah “Tee” Coleman, a Charlotte native, and Kevin Gibbs, relocating from Louisiana, were hired as the inaugural class of electrical apprentices. Apprentices have the unique opportunity to be hired as full-time […]
For approximately three years, discussions and plans were underway to change FM uniforms. With the arrival of new leadership and a list of changes in the pipeline there is no better time than now to enhance uniforms. The aim – a more cohesive and branded look. Over the last two weeks, staff members in the […]
UNC Charlotte’s automotive fleet was awarded nearly $58,000 to upgrade the fleet to reduce transportation-related emissions through alternative fuel methods. This grant comes from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center at North Carolina State University’s Clean Fuel Advanced Technology (CFAT) Project. Students were also part of this funding effort, as the Charlotte Green Initiative […]
UNC Charlotte made Princeton Review’s “Guide to 399 Green Colleges” for the second time. The guide, published in October, is an unranked list of environmentally responsible “green” colleges, which students often consider when applying. The Princeton Review publishes this guide after reviewing colleges’ entries either through a lengthy survey or through the college’s Association for […]
In 2004, UNC Charlotte’s automotive fleet shifted its goals to focus on building a more sustainable one. Since then, the University has realized continual fleet improvements and a significant decrease in harmful emissions by campus vehicles. For its efforts, the University once again has earned a Green Fleet Award; this is the fourth consecutive year […]
UNC Charlotte, with assistance from Clean Air Carolina, recently changed its “Design and Construction Manual” to require contracted companies to reduce diesel fuel emissions while working on campus. These new standards, which will apply to all future construction projects on campus, do not affect projects already in progress or out for bid. Diesel engines produce […]
The Weird Recycling Center, located on the first floor of Popp Martin Student Union, provides the campus community an opportunity to recycle unique items. Funded by the Charlotte Green Initiative, the Weird Recycling Center accepts items such as plastic bags (which must be clean, dry and empty) and unwanted cords, cables, batteries and ink cartridges. […]
The hot, windless days of summer can cause air quality to decrease, which indicates a greater exposure to airborne pollutants. During the month of August, Charlotte citizens are being challenged to do their part to reduce the amount of pollution in the air. Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 1, N. C. Air Awareness, in partnership with Charlotte […]
Phil M. Jones, associate vice chancellor for facilities management, will retire on August 31 after nearly 18 years of service. A retirement reception in his honor will be from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Friday, August 17, in the third floor salons of the James H. Barnhardt Student Activity Center. As the AVC-FM, Jones oversees all […]
Bart Bruchok, from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in Orlando, Florida, has joined the Facilities Management Department as its new director of capital projects. Upon his arrival, last month, the associate vice chancellor for facilities management, Phil Jones, expressed in an email announcement, “Bart comes to us with a wealth of experience in facilities […]
Mike Lizotte, University sustainability officer, was interviewed on the Sustainable Nation podcast about his work in making UNC Charlotte a sustainable environment. During the podcast, Lizotte spoke about several sustainable efforts, but considers transportation his largest area of interest, especially with the light rail’s Blue Line Extension to campus. “People seem to see transportation as […]
UNC Charlotte’s Motor Fleet is ranked 84th in the 2018 100 Best Fleets program. This is an improvement from last year’s ranking of 100. The 100 Best Fleets program recognizes and rewards the top motor fleets in North America in operations and performance. Chris Facente, automotive supervisor, accredits the improvement to the fleet’s sustainable practices, […]